The Treblab Z7 Pro offer balanced sound for the price, in an over-ear design that keeps things...
TV and Audio Reviews
A new look, a sprinkle of improvements and a new price. Here are our first impressions of...
Good-value earphones offering decent sound quality and plenty of accessories. Pros Good sound quality Useful media button...
The Q80T is an ambitious flatscreen offering punchy HDR, gorgeous colour and a surprisingly good black level...
If you can do without the excellent sound system found on Philips’ 903 OLED TVs, this step-down...
On their own, the Apollo offer a pleasantly engaging and warm sound. Combined with a DAC/headphone amplifier,...
A low asking price and ANC don’t tend to go together well, but they make pretty good...
The Sony KD-85ZG9 is a stunning, true next-generation TV, capable of delivering pictures the like of which...
If you’re forking out for a true wireless pair, then you’re spoiled for choice but Sennheiser’s Momentum...
With the PX7, Bowers & Wilkins produced a headphone with great sound and some excellent features. The...